True Blood: Season 2 (2009)
I don't know why Season 2 has only just finished on Channel 4 since it was first broadcast in the US in 2009, but anyway, I should be grateful it's on and not stuck on Sky somewhere (as Mad Men is shortly to be). True Blood is a weird show when you think about it - I don't mean the vampires and the mind-reading and the whatever-the-hell-Maryann was - I mean that over a dozen episodes, that seem to be set over a short week or two, so much happens. I mean a crazy amount happens in the short time span, even for a TV show!
This season saw Sookie and Bill travel to Dallas to infiltrate an anti-vampire cult who were holding Eric's maker (or 'sire' if this was Buffy) Godric captive. It just so happened that at the end of Season 1, Jason was brain-washed by a member of the Fellowship of the Sun church and this season he was in Dallas, in training with them for a war against vampires. At the same time back in Bon Temps, Tara and hot walking-abs Eggs had a lot of sex while Maryann shook about a bit, made the rest of the town have sex, and was eventually revealed to be an ancient demon who believed herself immortal. Sam was her number one prey during this time for his supernatural morphing ability, and he found solace in a fellow animal-changing-friend, until she was murder and her heart ripped out. Meanwhile, Sheriff Andy was stripped of his badge and dignity, Lafayette was rescued from Eric's bar, mummy's boy Hoyt got a vampire girlfriend, and by the end of the season, Bill and Sookie were back in town to save the day.
That's quite a packed show! Even though in some episodes, not a lot seemed to happen to move things along. I've not even mentioned Jason's relationship with the head of the Fellowship's wife, nor Godric's decision to die, nor the introduction of an intriguing vampire Queen. Throughout it all, the writing has been strong, characters (a whole myriad of them) are interesting and plot twists come thick and fast. On reflection you wonder where some plots are going, or where they've gone - once she got back from Dallas, Sookie barely mentioned what she'd been up to there, for 6 or 7 episodes. Will we see her fellow mind-reader again? What exactly did she do to Maryann when that light came out of her hands? These questions make me want to see more and more episodes and now the damn season's finished!!
Maryann was one of my favourite characters this season, played deliciously by Michelle Forbes, who I'll always love from the movie Kalifornia. Her plot was intriguing and felt different, and almost felt like what the Cordelia-gives-birth-to-a-God plot arc at the end of Angel's 4th season should have been. The show will need a really decent villain to fill her place next season! There are so many other great characters it's hard to pick favourites... Jason's sweet and hot, and also really funny; Tara was a strong, witty woman in season 1, but here she got a bit bland, which I'll blame on Maryann's influence; Eric continues to intrigue but little is given away; Bill is not very excitin, although he's got a bit more humour about him now; Sookie continues to grow and Anna Paquin is just brilliant in every way... Oddly enough one of my favourite characters is Tara's mother Adina, played by Lettie Mae Thornton. In the first season she was a drunk, and she's now developed into a tee-total God-botherer, but she is becoming less selfish and wants to help Tara. Her motivations and the fact she's a guest star leave you guessing what she'll do next and when she might pop up. Why a drunken religious human would turn out to be so interesting in a show packed to the rafters with freaks and supernatural beings I do not know, or perhaps that's the very reason - she's so human.
Roll on Season 3! Perhaps I could just get the DVDs, although I have so many I haven't watched, I've time to wait until Channel 4 gets round to showing it without having to buy new stuff.
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