I change my mind with nearly every episode as to which regular character is my favourite. Amanda has been on fine form this season, particularly in the first half when she seemed to be around a lot more often as Betty ended up sharing her apartment with my favourite acid-tongued bitch! Hang on, that spot's taken by Marc, isn't? And Wilhemina too! I was pleased with Wilhemina's character arcs this season as she went from being an arch villain to a more rounded individual as she was softened up with her ultimately doomed romance with Connor. It was also good to see her calming down her quest to take over Meade and Mode by becoming co-editor with Daniel. Ah now, Daniel. He's actually one of the few of the main cast who's never been in my list of favourites. I don't think he's developed very well, and although Eric Mabius is easy on the eye, I don't think he's such a great actor. He was also saddled with a girlfriend, Molly, who's only character trait is that she's dying with cancer. I know that sounds harsh (it's only a TV show, remember) but really, Molly had no other side to her.

And then there's Betty's family. I don't think Hilda was about enough in Season 3, but when she was she was fabulous, and it was nice to see Ignacio find happiness with a lady friend, even if they had to give him a heart attack first! My favourite member of Betty's clan is her nephew Justin, played by the fantastic Mark Indelicato. As her gets older (and more camp) he just gets funnier. I ony wish the mini-arc he had at the beginning of the season, where he found a friend at school and auditioned for Billy Elliott, had been extended. Another of the under-used cast members, Justin shines in every appearance. There was a touching moment in the final episode when Marc imparted a little gay-friendly advice to Justin, in an echo of a previous season's encounter between them. Justin's sexuality has never been explicitly dealt with, and really it doesn't have to be, but it's nice when he gets these moments with Marc as it allows the latter to soften and it just leaves a warm feeling inside me.

The move that the show made from Los Angeles to New York, where Betty is actually set, made a massive difference to the show too, and the Big Apple became almost an extra member of the cast. The locations looked much more authentic than previously (because they were!) and I don't know why, but it improved the whole look of Betty's surroundings.
Season 3 ended with several cliffhangers - Matt is now Betty's boss! Whose waiting for Wilhemina in her bedroom?! How will Justin cope at public high school?! - and I can't wait for Season 4 to show up on these shores. Until then, I've got Desperate Housewives to look forward to! And Glee, which should take care of my camp TV intake too.
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